Say Goodbye to the Beach Read Say Hello to Beach Podcasts!

Ann Sloan
3 min readJun 18, 2021

Consider Them A Margarita for Your Ears

Summer officially begins on June 21st with the longest day of the year (at least in the Northern Hemisphere). As you’re debating what light and frothy beach read you want to get into, this year, why not consider a “beach podcast” instead? I’m talking the fiction variety kind. This summer, relax, give your eyes a rest, and let your ears do the work by pouring some refreshing and binge-worthy amusement into those earbuds.

It’s time you discover audio dramas. They’re the fully scripted, fictional cousins of the podcasts you may already be enjoying. Consider them like a margarita for your ears — cool, satisfying, feel-good, and therefore, perfect for summer.

Here’s a list of 6 to get you started. Even better yet — they are completely free.

OZ-9 — That’s the name of a ship careening across the universe with a tiny crew of hopeless incompetents trying to make their way to a shiny new planet to call home. Join the useless crew and prepare for some serious laughs. AND if you like the show, you’ll love the fact that an Oz-9 comic book is in the works!

MISSION: REJECTED — The story of the world’s most secret agents…the backups. For the first time in his career, Special Agent Chet Phillips has discovered that he can choose NOT to accept a mission! That means there’s no choice but to send in the “B Team”: A nervous pencil pusher promoted to the field, a computer hacker working off her sentence, a fading former sitcom star, and a recently reassigned White House intern.

THE VANISHING ACT — A super-funny globetrotting farce about a German magic enthusiast, an American conman in Paris, an unfortunately-named engineer, a disappearing French magician, and a duck. That’s right, a duck. A Rambling Absurdity in 12(ish) Parts.

ALBA SALIX — Overworked, cynical witch Alba is the royal physician in the kingdom of Farloria where she keeps the King, Queen, and all of its citizens running (almost) like clockwork. With only the help of her obnoxious apprentice Magnus and an absent-minded fairy named Holly, Alba has her hands and cauldrons full!

MARGARITAS AND DONUTS — A limited series romcom about dating over 40. Josephine, a pediatrician, is pretty unlucky romantically. With a little coaxing from her best friend Katrina, Josephine starts a relationship with Malik, an ophthalmologist that works in the office across the hall from hers. Malik is exactly what Josephine needs, but she doesn’t quite realize it…yet.

THE CARLÖTTA BEAUTOX CHRONICLES — I’d be a producer not living up to her bona fides if I didn’t shamelessly include my own podcast sitcom! Follow the comic misadventures of Khloé Kardashian’s number one stan. Carlötta is a self-proclaimed “actress, think-tress, influencer-ess” who possesses all the ambition and zero the talent needed to make it in La La Land.

Fiction podcasts are having a moment and you can find one in whatever genre suits you.

Happy listening! Happy summer!



Ann Sloan

Ann Sloan is the creator of the comedy fiction podcast, The Carlötta Beautox Chronicles. She is a writer and former TV professional from Los Angeles.